How to find German friends

finding German friends

How can I find German friends? This article is intended for people who come from abroad. If you prefer the German version of this text, just click here: Deutsche Freunde finden. In this article you will learn how to find German friends and how to get in contact with Germans. Everyone can do this. It’s easy to find friends in Germany – you just have to consider a few things.


How can I find German friends?

I am German and first of all, I’d like to describe a view things. We Germans are life-loving, open and welcoming. We do have some unwritten rules and they make life more easy. We Germans love to travel and therefore we are open to foreign countries and cultures. Therefore, this openness is expected from you from a lot of Germans aswell. You have to know, what others expect from you. If you know that, it is easy to integrate and to get in contact with Germans.

So my tip for you is: observe the people. Observe the Germans and pay attention to how they behave.


Find German friends use a blockFind German friends


> Are they loud or quiet?
> How do parents talk with their children?
> How do adults talk to each other?
> How do they solve conflicts?
> Where do Germans stand? Which locations do they like?
> What do they do in their spare time?
> What do Germans eat?
> What do they attract?
> What music do Germans listen to?
> What sport do Germans like? Where do they do sport?
> What does a family look like?


These are just examples. I’m sure, you will find even more questions. Use a block of paper, use the questions you’ve collected and sit on a bench and watch. Write down everything you see. Take a look and pay attention to every detail. Then change your location, take a bus or subway and watch again. Who is sitting next to whom? Who is talking to whom? If you understand how we Germans behave, it is easier for you to get in touch with us.

Simply get in contact with Germans

Finding friends always works by using similarities. In all articles here on you will find examples for that. So if you have watched the Germans long enough, you can copy the behavior. Be the same. Act like a German. Think about a hobby, because easiest way to find German friends is about hobbies. Go to the same restaurants, go to the same locations and behave just like the Germans, because these similarities are the starting point, from which friendship arises. And the best news: you can create these similarities by yourself. It’s in your hand.


Find Friends to speak German with them

Speaking the same Language is the most important thing in common. You must be able to communicate. Important is that you speak German, but at least good English. It is usually not so important whether your grammar is good or bad. If others understand yourself, it is enough in many cases. Language is the most important factor because you need to communicate to get the first contact.


Where to find friends to take German?

Most important thing is, to find friends that are able to speak German. Newbies like you or locals – it doesn’t matter. So first of all, get some friends from your home country. If you are Au Pair, then meet with other au pairs and speak German with them. No matter what reason you are here, meet with your friends and just speak German. Help each other and learn together. This is important because you are accustomed to talking regularly. The more often you speak German, the more fluid your pronunciation is going to be. This means, it is really important to find friends to speak German.


Be like a German

OK, you have found some friends to speak German and you have learned, how we Germans think and act. You have already achieved two important goals! This is very good. Now try to adapt. For example: we are mostly quiet. If you speak very loud, many Germans are afraid and will go.

If you want to find German friends, you have to be calm and polite.

Similarities go even further. Leisure is very important in Germany. Many Germans like cycling (finding friends for cycling), many Germans make sports or meet at the lake or make a play evening. A game evening is always interesting, because you can find German friends easily there. At a game evening, you can speak German and improve your skills. Suppliers like Socialmatch organize the complete game evening for you and invite the guests. This is a great opportunity if you want to find German friends but still nobody knows. -> Game night with socialmatch


Where can I find German friends?

There are many places where you can find German friends. It is important that you visit places where many Germans are staying. Try to adapt. Here on we present you many locations. Most of the content is written in German but you can use Google Translate to read it in your favorite language. If you live in Bavaria, you can do an isar rafting. If you are from Hamburg, the Altonale is a good opportunity and in Berlin the Festival of Light. This is fun and you get there automatically with Germans in contact.

Finding friends in Berlin Zoo Tiergarten BerlinIn each major city there is a zoo. It is somewhat more difficult to find friends in the zoo or animal park. You can still start very well here. The atmosphere in the zoo is nice and you can watch German and see family life there. What does a German family look like? How does the family react? What is the role of the father? What role does the mother have? You can also find German friends in the zoo. Therefore here two articles to the topic:

Zoo Munich I Tiergarten


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How to find German friends

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